How to Help a Friend

How to Help a Friend
Concerned about possible eating disorder?
If you are concerned about the appearance or possibility of an eating disorder developing in someone you care about, or yourself, I’m available to talk. My name is Barbara White. I’m a nutritionist & therapist who works in the field of helping people recover from eating problems & disorders. My door is open. Don’t hesitate contacting me to talk, get advice, get referrals, or to make an appointment to get started. I’m available on the phone, over Skype, and in two office locations: Boulder Nutrition Therapy office or the Denver Nutrition Therapy office!
How to help a family member or friend
Support, information and knowledge are all important when working towards recovery. How can you help and support a family member or friend who may be struggling with an eating disorder? Get information and support yourself. It can help. As you know, we’re all individuals. What may be helpful to you, may not be for someone else.
If you would like to read about “how to help someone…” – what follows is a list of some of the best resources – yet, the best advice seems to be, ask first, for example, ask, “how can I help…” and listen, listen, listen with compassion. Try to avoid becoming the persons nutritionist or therapist. Eating disorders are serious. If the person struggling is not already seeing someone for help, recommend getting help from a professional; or at least a consultation. Offer to go with them.
Here is a resource for printed material about ‘how to help a friend or family member,’ because: ‘Parents, siblings and close friends play a significant role in supporting others…’ according to the, (NEDO). Some of the best advice on how to help a friend originated from the professionals working with NEDO. NEDO publishes this information and make’s it available to professionals and the public! Here is a link to NEDOs page on ‘How to help a friend.’
Don’t hesitate calling me with your questions about how to help a friend, I’ve helped peer counselors, students, and parents over the years.
To learn more about eating disorders and bulimia, this help guide provides information related to the negative consequences and gives hope for recovery. Authors: Melinda Smith, M.A. and Jeanne Segal, Ph.D. talk about the: ‘…vicious cycle of binging and purging takes a toll on the body, and it’s even harder on emotional well-being. But the cycle can be broken. Effective bulimia treatment and support can help you develop a healthier relationship with food and overcome feelings of anxiety, guilt, and shame.’ I agree, the cycle can be broken. Recovery happens all the time. Click here for the Smith & Segal help guide link about negative consequences of bulimia. Sincerely, from Barbara, Eating Disorders Treatment Nutritionist in Boulder & Denver, CO
Please call if you would like to talk and check back as I will be adding material periodically.
Barbara White
303 470-1200