Archive for Barbara White Nutrition

30th Mar, 2012


Nutritionist helping women with weight & body image in Boulder & Denver, CO with cognitive reframing

‘Fat talk’ involves repeat comments on diet, exercise, fears of weight gain, researchers say

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“People who often make comments about their weight are more likely to have a…

22nd Mar, 2012


Boulder & Denver Nutritionist noting trans fats news!

Very interesting: Trans fats contributing to crankiness. From my experience, restricting Calorie intake in general clearly leads to problems with mood and coping. One of the great benefits of improving overall food and Calorie intake is the positive effect on reducing stress, improving mood and managing stressful…

13th Mar, 2012


Health Tip: The Right Diet Can Boost Athletic Performance

Here’s why you should eat well according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics …

“Eating the right balance of nutritious foods can improve athletic performance…” according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and lists several benefits to eating the right balance of foods.

And… “Eating adequate…